Improving tuition, one class at a time.

With our knowledgeable and effective tutors, we are able to help you reach any goal!

Our Company

Think Bold was created to provide students with exceptional learning support in a dynamic learning environment.


A variety of subjects means that you get the most out of our organisation!

Our Perks

But wait, there's more!

24/7 Support
Our students get access to a private communication channel that allows them to ask any question, for any subject we offer tuition for, even if they're not paying for that subject!
Private SACs and Exams
We create our own content, that means you get to practice using questions you know you've learnt in the classroom.
Easy Invoicing
Our invoices are sent on the Sunday of the week of class and are due on the Sunday of that week, meaning you have time to worry about other expenses first!
Our Booklets
We have notes that are retailed at a competitive price, but even better, students of Think Bold Tutoring get their tuition subject entirely free, with a 25% discount on all other subjects!
Recent VCE Graduates
We understand how to cope with the wild emotions that come with school and learning, because we've just done it ourselves!
Discounts for Tutoring
We offer discounts for locations and affiliations. Ask us for more info!


All of our classes are priced for 90 minutes to guarantee the best bang-for-buck!

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Become a tutor

Tutoring leads to many great bonuses, such as increasing leadership skills for resumes, possibly becoming an author or just making a buck.

Flexible Hours
Improves leadership and coaching skills
Teach what you love
Just enter your details below and leave the rest to us!
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Our Clients Know Best

Don't just take our word for it!

Think Bold has continuously impressed me. Their 24/7 discord support is great for getting that little bit of extra help outside of class to reiterate any knowledge or just to brush up on details that may have been forgotten throughout the week.

Sophie Turner

The impact Think Bold Tutoring has had on Jaz [her daughter] has been incredible and I am so so grateful. She needed someone who can give her some time to work through questions the way she needed. Thankyou so much!

Amy Dalli

I did tens of hours of classes with Think Bold, can't recommend them enough. They were extremely proficient in their subject knowledge and occasionally went the extra mile by helping me with other subjects for no extra cost!

Harmony Turner

Can definitely recommend these guys! All with great study scores in their areas, super super friendly and knowledgeable

Olivia Kovacs

I highly recommend these guys, they have helped me so much and always get me ready for my upcoming sacs resulting in great marks!

Kayla Darcy

Think Bold has really helped me out with the classes I've struggled with all year. From simple definitions to remember, all the way to complex equations that I have now mastered. Think Bold really helped me through year 12.

Nikita Pereira

Such a helpful tutoring organisation! I was an awful maths student and with the help of Corey, I've begun to not only improve my scores, but even enjoy math! Thank you so much!

Robyn Sheehy

Our most common asked questions

Do you provide discounts for online sessions?

* The price shown is for online classes. In person sessions have an additional 12.5% for travel.

What is our affiliate discount?

If you recommend us to a friend and they complete at least two classes, you will get 5% off your tuition, with up to three affiliates allowed per person!

Do we do in-house tutoring?

Generally, the answer is yes, but sometimes the tutor is not able to reach a specific destination due to low public transport reach for example.

Can we revert the time to 1 hour?

We can reduce the class time from 90 minutes to 60 minutes if it is preferred, though this will incur a 10% increase once the price has been reduced to its hourly rate.

What is a communication channel?

We have a system that allows all of our students to message our tutors around the clock.

No more doing homework at 7pm and waiting till 9am the next day for help!